Monday, February 22, 2010

My writing

My freshman year I think that I struggled with my writing alot. Over the past two years i believe that my writing has improved tremendously. I have gotten alot better at my introductory paragraphs and hooks. One of my biggest struggles and frustrations with writing papers is keeping the flow of my paper going. All of my English teachers that I have had at Anderson have been great! Especially Mrs. Deatherage. She really helped me become a better writer.

“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.”-E.L. Doctorow


  1. I love the quote you chose to use! Can not wait to read some of your writings!

  2. I really like your quote! ha sorry maxine I said what you said. But I really do. I can realate to what you are saying in this because i struggle with the same things. Nice job!
