Thursday, May 13, 2010


This is a reply to Haley's post.

Dear Haley,

You are terrible at lacrosse. I'm glad that I give you scrapes and bruises. I love making you run miles all the time. You can never get past the defenders guard. And the ball NEVER goes into the net! I hate you.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My love aka Darius Johnson

Dear Love aka Darius Johnson,

You are amazing. I love your "that's what she said" jokes, they make me laugh non-stop. I love how you compare people to chipmunks. You are such a happy person and you are NEVER sad! You are my best friend. You laugh at anything and everything. I think we were meant to be together forever. Even though your mean to kyle, your nice to me.

Monday, April 12, 2010


For the most part i like Macbeth. He seems like a true hero. I think the language is a little hard to understand though. It can get confusing at times. I thought that what we read today was pretty exciting.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Canterbury Cathedral

The Canterbury Cathedral dates back to 597AD when Saint Augustine established his seat in Canterbury.In 1170 Archbishop Thomas Becket was murdered in the Cathedral. Ever since then, the Cathedral has attracted thousands of pilgrams.The cathedral is surrounded by medieval buildings and ruins.

Monday, February 22, 2010

My writing

My freshman year I think that I struggled with my writing alot. Over the past two years i believe that my writing has improved tremendously. I have gotten alot better at my introductory paragraphs and hooks. One of my biggest struggles and frustrations with writing papers is keeping the flow of my paper going. All of my English teachers that I have had at Anderson have been great! Especially Mrs. Deatherage. She really helped me become a better writer.

“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.”-E.L. Doctorow

Friday, January 22, 2010

About me!

Hi! My name is Meghan Frey. I'm 16 years old. I'm a junior at Anderson High school. I play volleyball year round. I want to play volleyball in college. I play club volleyball for the Cincy Peppers! In June my whole team is going to Florida for a five day tournament! Last weekend my team went to Louisville for a tournament and my coach had me playing front row. I found it funny that she had me playing front row, considering the fact that I am the second shortest person on my team. I blocked this girl who had to be about 6'1 and I was embarrassed for her because she got blocked by a short person (me). I have diabetes. I was diagnosed with it the day before my 10th birthday. I love kids! I'm really patient with kids who have disabilities. I want to become a special ed teacher. My best friend, Libby, has diabetes. I love all of my friends!